DECEMBER 29, 2019 - Jaguars vs. Colts
Photo of yours truly by Logan Bowles. I’ve looked up to Logan ever since I got into photography. Also from Jacksonville, he shoots surf and is one of a very select group of NFL Staff Photographers. Check out his work at and Instagram: Logan_Bowles
This Sunday, I had the privilege of shooting my first ever NFL game. The experience was incredible and one I won’t soon forget. Lately, I’ve felt a bit stagnant and un-inspired as a photographer. I decided this year that I wanted to try something new, but close to my heart. That’s where shooting a Jags game came into mind. I’ve shot sports before, surfing obviously, and tennis while I’m on the road for my career job, but never football. I reached out to a few photographers that I admire and have shot games before for tips and advice. Sharing the sidelines with them, along with some others that I met for the first time made the experiences and memories that much more sweeter. Here’s a collection of shots from the season finale. While it was a very disappointing season for the Jags, going out with an exciting, high-scoring win sure did make my experience on the sidelines memorable!